

This function displays ”global” counts of devices, data records and employees for the entire Val Link service.


Device Count is the total number of devices connected to the Val Link service.


Today’s Data Record Count is the number of clock records (punches) for the current date.


Employee Count is the number of employee templates pulled by the Val Link Service.


Statistics are provided for a specific date range (and time) by entering the desired Start Date and End Date.


You may graph statistics for "All" Categories or select a specific category from the drop-down list.


In the Device Filter, you may also filter results by Device Type, selected from the drop-down list.

Click after making your selections.  

Bandwidth Usage

All numbers are in kilobytes and represent the amount of punch/template data transfers for each device during the specified date range.


Since cellular service plan costs are based on the amount of data transfers accommodated per month, this feature is especially useful for vPod Cell users, where the pattern of usage may suggest a change to a more economical plan.

Templates Pulled

This graph shows the number of pulled templates by Device Description.

Templates Deleted

This graph shows the number of deleted templates by Device Description.

Punches Pulled

This graph shows the number of punches pulled (received by the ValLink Service) by Device Description.

Clock Rules Applied

This graph shows the number of Clock Rules Applied by Device Description.


Devices Synchronized

This graph shows the number of synchronized devices by Device Description.